Nicaraguan journalist Yader Francisco Luna Garcia was awarded the 2010 Lorenzo Natali Grand Prize for his inside look at Nicaragua’s “Messenger Witch”, a radio character who launched a personal war over the airwaves, naming and shaming perpetrators of domestic violence. The wizened old woman tackles this tough issue head on, and her radio programme is widely followed in a jungle shantytown in the central Nicuraguan region of Bocana de Paiwas.
Yader Luna is editor and publisher of the review 'La Brújula Semanal', with which he won UNICEF's National Journalism Prize for a story on children’s and teenager’s rights in November 2009. He also writes a regular blog there. From 2006 to 2009 he was editor and reporter in the 'Politics' section at 'La Prensa', Nicaragua's most prestigious daily. He has worked with the "Magazine" - a Sunday supplement - and the daily El Nuevo Diario.
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