
  • Yader Francisco Luna García

    Grand Prize


    Nicaraguan journalist Yader Francisco Luna Garcia was awarded the 2010 Lorenzo Natali Grand Prize for his inside look at Nicaragua’s “Messenger Witch”, a radio character who launched a personal war over the airwaves, naming and shaming perpetrators of domestic violence. The wizened old woman tackles this tough issue head on, and her radio programme is widely followed in a jungle shantytown in the central Nicuraguan region of Bocana de Paiwas.


    Title of the article

    Palabra de Mujer / Woman’s Word

    Name of media

    Revista La Brújula Semana

    Yader Luna is editor and publisher of the review 'La Brújula Semanal', with which he won UNICEF's National Journalism Prize for a story on children’s and teenager’s rights in November 2009. He also writes a regular blog there. From 2006 to 2009 he was editor and reporter in the 'Politics' section at 'La Prensa', Nicaragua's most prestigious daily. He has worked with the "Magazine" - a Sunday supplement - and the daily El Nuevo Diario.

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